Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Does Volcom Mean What Does The Quote Mean; The Only Constant Is Change Facets Of An Empire Are Vast Slightly Removed?

What does the quote mean; the only constant is change facets of an empire are vast slightly removed? - what does volcom mean

Buy a shirt volcom new and had this quote on it, the shirt slightly, but I have no idea what this quote speaks to me.

1 comment:

prettymo... said...

Never forget that in JR. high, and my teacher had us quote them: "The only constant is change." She asked us to write what he means for us ... It took me years to get it.

everything and everyone is constantly evolving. Therefore ... the only thing that this world is really constant, that things change.

Veneers are a smooth surface into a gem ...
control the ultimate control or a group of people or country governed by a power.
width has to do with a large quantity of something, or in larger quantities.
somewhat low.
be eliminated, so ... no longer exists. (often the changes related to the movement of people, people die from the feelings, throw things ... so the choice of the deleted word - I)

well, let's leave this all together, I would say:
the only constant in this world are the changes that occur slowly (or so), but they are a great (or big) differences in how things are in the world (Reich, where they live or the city / town which we live)

HopeIt makes everything make sense.

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